Day of Prayer

Day of Prayer for Britain

Day of Prayer for Britain

Jesus was exalted, the Kingdom of God extended, and the people of God set on Fire! Thousands of Christians gathered together in unity at The SSE Arena, Wembley on the 31 August 2019, for a Day of Prayer for Britain. Prayer groups from the length and breadth of the nation, and some from as far as Australia, South Africa, USA and Russia, joined the prayers via the live-stream.

Day of Prayer for Britain January 2019

Day of Prayer for Britain January 2019

On Saturday 26 January, 3000 people gathered with David Hathaway for a Day of Prayer for Britain, in The SSE Arena, Wembley. In addition, there were over 100,000 streams on David's YouTube and Facebook pages, and on GOD TV and Revelation TV social media pages [within the first seven days after the event], as prayer groups and individuals participated from around the world.