September 2022 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,

As I write this, we have only just received news that our beloved Queen has died. God has blessed us as a nation more than any other nation in the world by giving us a godly Christian Queen who both lived and testified to her faith for 70 years and was a rock in a troubled land despite many personal troubles. What an incredible miracle!

Recently our office was contacted by the pastor of the Elim Church in Harrogate who, preparing to celebrate the 70th anniversary of his church, found out that, back in 1952, a ‘David Hathaway’ was the founder! However, five Hathaways have been connected with Elim since its foundation, including my father, two brothers, and a nephew. Tracing me to my office, the pastor was shocked to find that I was the founder – and still alive! So, on Sunday 4th September I was there, speaking in the meeting – I think that this must be the only time in history when the founder of a church has gone back and celebrated the 70th anniversary! But I was only 20 years old when I founded the church! They found records of the early history of the church, and how the local beauty queen was converted in the crusade – but their records did not show that I married her in 1955!! Yes, I was pastor there for 7 years, married my wife Zena, and my two oldest daughters were born there before I left in 1959 for full-time evangelism. It was a precious moment for me and for the church. Obviously, none of the original members of the congregation are still alive – they would have to be my age or older!

This month there are very significant meetings in Central Asia where these former Soviet countries are open to the Gospel. I will be going to Kazakhstan to meet with pastors and leaders from all over Central Asia to unify the churches and set up similar National Days of Prayer to those which have changed the character of Ukraine – and then evangelise. It is interesting that before the authorities in Kazakhstan would issue me with a religious visa which would allow me to speak, they required complex proof that I was a ‘Christian’! Politically and spiritually these countries are coming together to defend themselves and break free from Putin’s control and aggressive expansionist ambitions.

We are currently preparing the upcoming 3 days of evangelism in the National Stadium in Georgia, supported by all the Churches and the Government, which will be held November 16th-18th this year. We are now paying for this and need your urgent support both in prayer and finance; this country was attacked by Russia in 2008 and, like Ukraine lost some of it territories, and is still under threat. This is why our spiritual support at this time is critical.

With your help we continue to strongly support Ukraine financially as well as spiritually. Vadim who is my Representative in our office in Kyiv received a special permit from the Ukraine Government (he is in the critical age 18-60, forbidden to leave) enabling him to visit us here in the UK office and, as it happened, able to be with me in Harrogate! He really knows the Lord and is highly respected by all Church Leaders in Ukraine; he continues to plan with them the next National Day of Prayer in Kyiv – followed by evangelism in the National Football Stadium when we celebrate the final victory over Mr. Putin. As I often mention, I have evangelised both in Russia and Ukraine for over 60 years, so the conflict hurts me very deeply. I planted churches in both countries, but Putin has banned me from entering Russia. I cannot preach there nor even visit.

Also, we have a programme of events and evangelism in Poland this year and next. My staff have just had a meeting with the Metropolitan Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś in Poland who supports what we need to do. I am also very friendly with the head Catholic Bishop in Kyiv, Vitalii Kryvytskyi, who also wants to spend time with me. Some people question why I need to talk with Catholics, including the Pope. Those who know me, know that I spend time in prayer over all my Catholic contacts: I need to witness to them and share the simplicity of the Gospel which, according to the Bible, is ‘not of works’ but by faith alone and through faith we have salvation and miracles of healing. One advantage of my age – and I am older than the Pope – is that many will listen to me because of my age and experience. As I told the Pope, I can do things he cannot – because of my faith and personal experience of Jesus.

We are living in troubled times, and I hesitate to prophesy the immediate future, but I can see the problems in Putin’s life, his ambitions which are so similar to those of Hitler. I am convinced, by faith, that the Ukrainians will win the war and drive out the Russian army and that the next month will see incredible changes. I can also see that there is a threat of a 3rd World War and the release of a radioactive nuclear cloud worse than Chernobyl. Remember that the Ukrainian word Chernobyl means wormwood: this is the name of the star in Revelation 8:10-11 which fell from heaven and made the waters bitter, and many died. According to Scripture this is only the ‘beginning of sorrows’ and when that finally happens, only for the sake of the elect will the torment be shortened. We must take every opportunity to preach the Gospel now; the Bible says that there is an end to the ‘times of the Gentiles’ and then all Israel shall be saved.

We desperately need your continuing support both in prayer and finance. Suddenly the whole of Central Asia has opened to the Gospel; fear of Russia means that they are crying out for help, just as the Lord revealed to me and I shared with you five years ago. Costs are now high, but the need is greater. We must respond and I am flying out shortly to meet the pastors in Kazakhstan, 28th September to 3rd October.

We still need money to support the desperate homeless and wounded in Ukraine and the refugees in Poland. With your help we have also supported the Holocaust Survivors in Israel for more than 10 years.

I also want to encourage you to read the recent books I have written as they reveal what God has said to me, especially ‘Faith Beyond’ and ‘Power – Your Inheritance’. Also, to understand Russia, you need the book I wrote almost 30 years ago about the beginning of the last great revival, ‘Why Siberia’. Also, my prophetic film ‘The Rape of Europe.’ Part of this prophecy has already been fulfilled but read what is still to come in your lifetime, and mine!

I thank you with all my heart for your support.


The Lord is good, a refuge in the time of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him. Whatever you are facing today, be assured, God will take care of you.

Daily we distribute humanitarian aid and share the Gospel with those living in Ukraine. Thank you for supporting our work in prayer and finance. Many donate by Standing Order and Bank Transfer – thank you. Some support anonymously, we appreciate you. We thank God for you each day, confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
