August 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters

Recently I was invited to speak at a tent mission, in a farmer’s field, miles from anywhere, not close to a town or even a village, the nearest major town was Bedford and the only way to attend was by car! I was glad to be back in a tent, where exactly 71 years ago I also began, evangelising in a tent in field outside Dorking, Surrey!

But what both surprised and encouraged me was the numbers who were drawn to this remote place: a couple from Scotland, another couple from Bournemouth, others from London and me from Yorkshire, the tent seemed full, between 400-500 in the meeting – they needed more chairs! Many came forward for salvation and there were many who testified of instant healing as we prayed.

The meeting was very lively, and it gave me a strong impression of a real desperate hunger in people’s hearts to really see the Power of God in action. The cold formality of religion does not attract those who are genuinely seeking God, who desperately need a relationship with Him, and for whom outward ceremony alone is meaningless. I left with a strong feeling that here in Britain we need a new move of God through the Holy Spirit. It seems historically that when revival comes it often brings new churches, as it did following the preaching of John and Charles Wesley, who travelling on horseback, visited much of England and saw a revival which I believe was the greatest revival to touch Britain – no town or even village was without these new churches, probably as many as, or even more than the original historic churches!

Interestingly I am writing this as I leave for Poland. In addition to the evangelism, I shall be speaking in a large Protestant Church opened for the converts of my last evangelism in Catholic Poland in 2012. Because the leading Catholic Bishop who invited me last time is now Head of the Catholic Church in Poland and I am his guest, I am the first Protestant ever to be invited to evangelise in the centre of Krakow during a massive March for Jesus in the town! They allow me 3 hours with a call to salvation and prayer for the sick, both in a Catholic Monastery, and importantly in the main square in the heart of Krakow! I shall also be preaching the Gospel on Polish National TV and nothing will stop God’s Power working miracles.

The exciting thing is that I am expected to return next year and continue until God changes Poland by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Already the preparations for this are being organised by our staff in Poland in anticipation of the miracle! The Polish Catholics recognise that while David du Plessis brought the Holy Spirit in the Charismatic Revival to every denomination, my job now is to bring them Jesus and see an even bigger revival! If you support me in prayer (and financially), I believe that God can do a bigger miracle here in Poland than even in Ukraine. My friend Archbishop G Rys loves Jesus with his whole heart and has written a moving book about Him, ‘Behold the Man’, no mention of ‘saints’ or Mary!

Also following the remarkable miracle of this year’s National Day of Prayer for Ukraine, I have just received the invitation to meet with the Prime Minister in Kiev as soon as I can go back, so yes, prayerfully God can through the Holy Spirit bring him also to accept Jesus!

I know from past experience, that with God, nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible. God’s Power cannot be limited by man or devil. It is part of the call of God on my life to make the Name of Jesus known in Europe and Israel. Jesus is coming back to rule this world and, just as John the Baptist came as forerunner preparing the way for Jesus, so we must be like him and make the Name of Jesus known everywhere, so that when He comes, ‘every knee shall bow’ and the world will declare Him as Lord and Master!

God has been touching me very powerfully in recent days in preparation for the miracles which are going to happen in Poland. My fresh anointing from God in recent weeks has been very similar to what He gave me before He first called me into Europe – for me, I am stepping into a whole new experience with God. It began with the experiences which led to my writing several new books, particularly ‘Power Through Fire’ and ‘Power – Your Inheritance’ and shortly the latest book (not yet released), ‘A Faith Beyond’. But now I am about to put it all into action, as it says in 1 Corinthians 4:20, ‘The Kingdom of God is not in word but in POWER.’

Thank God for the freedom – which we are taking advantage of to preach, as Jesus did, His Coming Kingdom! We must not allow fear to limit us. The reason why the Holy Spirit brought such a powerful revival to the former communist countries is that we went, without fear, by faith in God’s overwhelming Power. This meant that even under communist rule we several times took stadiums and filled them to preach the simple Gospel, following the example of the early apostles, just as Jesus commanded! And at no time has Jesus rescinded His call. Neither do the miracles stop. I’m seeing more miracles now than at any time in my life and God is only just beginning!

We are increasing our TV broadcasts, so much so that now every time I evangelise in any country, any place, the message goes out live both on the media and national TV. This is not cheap! We also seek to glorify Jesus by the excellence of our TV presentation – He is worthy of the best that we can give! Our TV staff who love Jesus, produce our programmes to the highest standards to glorify and honour Him!

The cost of making this breakthrough on the field and in the media is high both in finance and personally, yet at the moment, during Covid, our income has dropped. Pray God will give us Christian Businesses to tithe their profits into the Gospel. Every donation from a business into our charity, Eurovision, can be offset against tax! Yours, not ours! You gain the tax benefit, whereas with private gifts to us, we gain the tax relief, which incidentally means that the government is supporting our evangelism!

But above all, thank you for your support.

Your brother evangelist and disciple of the Lord Jesus
