June 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters – what a miracle!

Six years of National Days of Prayer in Ukraine have changed the most atheistic godless nation in Europe!

Six years ago, God gave me a vision of how He could demonstrate His power in Europe simply through the power of prayer and the authority of the Bible, starting in the very nation which said they would destroy Christianity, parade the last Christian on TV, and where whole new cities were built to the glory of the Soviet Socialist State – cities without any Christian presence and without access to the Bible – the nation whose KGB arrested and imprisoned me (for smuggling Bibles on an industrial scale), whose government attempted to assassinate me after my release from prison, followed me everywhere where I evangelised, and again tried to assassinate me on 2 June 1998 – 7 years after the fall of communism. This nation, Ukraine, used to call me Public Enemy Number 1...

...This is where God has demonstrated His Power today!

Six years ago God gave me a vision to call a National Day of Prayer for Ukraine. Few supported me, but God was in the business of changing men! I called a small meeting of Christian leaders – too few – but God was there! One by one I met the Leading Bishops and Heads of every denomination, and we came into agreement that, if we agree on two things we can work together and break every barrier: First, salvation is only in the Name of Jesus, and second, the only authority in the Church is the Bible!

Under this authority all Christian denominations in Ukraine came together and the Government began to recognise God’s Hand at work! After 4 years I received recognition and a gold watch from the Ukrainian President himself, but this was only a beginning…

It was finally the Covid pandemic which proved God’s power. In 2020 our Day of Prayer was held online only, but this year, in a poor nation which can hardly afford vaccines, (being offered the Chinese version as it was cheap, but not generally liked), the Bishops accepted a challenge: despite the desperate situation, to hold another National Day of Prayer, which you, our supporters have been raising the money for. With much intense prayer, the preparations went ahead, and absolutely in faith, we hired the 10,000 seat Sports Palace in Kiev when Ukraine was still in lockdown – although most churches continued worship with music and limited numbers – with permission from the Government because the Government honours the role of prayer.

In the weeks leading up to the date they had chosen, June 12th, still acting by faith, I gave my approval. In the last moments of preparation, we received official permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Mayor of Kiev and City Administration, and the National Police to hold this 6th National Day of Prayer for Ukraine. Finally, on the night before the event, we received a personal hand-signed letter from the Prime Minister of Ukraine fully supporting the event and sharing all our values. We were not limited in numbers, or anything else, just some spacing, and face masks recommended. Our National Day of Prayer was the first post-Covid mass event to be allowed by the Ukrainian Government.

Out of a total capacity of ten thousand – 8,000 attended plus 400 ushers, 50 police officers, 100 members of special prayer groups, and 300 musicians, with two choirs, interconfessional orchestras and even 30 members of a children’s choir. With slight spacing, every seat was filled.

This date, June 12th, was Pentecost in Ukraine which keeps the Orthodox calendar, and truly the Holy Spirit came down – on the worship – and on the prayers.

In addition to all the Bishops, representing every denomination in Ukraine, (including from Russian controlled Crimea and separatist Donetsk region), the Representative of the Prime Minister of Ukraine attended on his behalf to publicly read the letter of support he had written.

Another special moment was the presentation of the handwritten Bible, started at the Day of Prayer in 2018 and now completed on this National Day of Prayer 2021. 31,598 individuals wrote at least one verse, including 4 Presidents, the Prime Minister, the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, 3 Heroes of Ukraine, Heads of Churches and more. It has been accepted by the Ukrainian Book of Records as unique. As we began the prayer time, this massive hand-bound Bible was brought to the platform and became the centre piece of the celebration. THE PLACE OF THE WORD OF GOD IS NOW SYMBOLICALLY RECOGNISED IN THIS NATION!

The next day, Sunday, I preached in Kiev in one of the largest churches to one thousand people. On the Monday, the Prime Minister declared that the churches now had absolute freedom from Covid restrictions, and on the third day the President declared Ukraine to be a ‘green’ country, exceeding the criteria required by the EU in every single region of the country. The miracle is that this was accomplished not by herd immunity or by mass vaccination, but by the Power of Prayer recognised by every level of society.

Ukraine is the only nation in Europe where prayer and the authority of the Bible have united and changed the whole nation. This Day of Prayer was broadcast to the whole nation live on secular and Christian TV channels.

While in Kiev I spoke personally to the leaders in Armenia and Uzbekistan who confirm that our evangelism will continue THIS YEAR! My isolation is over and I will now have no limitations on my ministry. The next will be Israel (a visit) – and Poland – and, in renewed Power and Authority from the Holy Spirit, prophecy will be fulfilled and Revival Fires will continue under a new anointing!

Thank you for your prayers and financial support which have made this possible – but we need more support now than ever before as we have an open door in a troubled world! God needs you, and so do we!


Thank you for supporting this ministry through your prayers and finance. We are grateful to all those who donate via Standing Order, and those who support anonymously.

Israel: Due to the effective vaccination policy in Israel, our team can safely organise events and visit the Holocaust survivors in their apartments, providing them with humanitarian aid, fellowship and friendship. Following the ceasefire declaration with Hamas, we are now helping Russian-Jews who lost their homes in the bombing. The elderly Holocaust Survivors are not always able to organise repairs or move house, so we are there to support them, provide them with cars, necessary equipment, and hands willing to help! Each month we provide food parcels to around 1500 Holocaust survivors living Haifa, Tel Aviv, Rishon Lesion, Bat Yam and Holon. Most recipients are single/widowed and over 85 years old.

Please consider making a special gift to support our work this month. You can give online, bank transfer, cheque or by telephoning our office +44 (0)1924 453693.