July Newsletter

Dear Partners in Evangelism

Praise the Lord, we are back in business! I have been to Germany for a meeting with our overseas staff as we must now continue with our evangelistic programme. Yes, we are aware of Health and Safety, but we can work within these and travel guidelines.

Thank you for your continuing support both in prayer and giving. We are living in an unprecedented situation. The reaction to the pandemic and economic crisis have brought a situation we have never experienced before. Right from the beginning, the Holy Spirit was revealing to me that the pandemic was not the greatest problem! The Lord warned me that we would be facing probably the greatest crisis in our Churches and our Christian faith – after the pandemic.

Yes, I am going back into all those countries where we evangelise, and more, because now it includes Central Asia. But why is it that in former godless atheistic countries where they tried to eliminate all Christians – and me – Churches and Christians are recognised and have become accepted and welcomed by governments, whereas this is not happening in so-called ‘Christian Britain’? One has to accept that Britain today is a secular, immoral society where the Church is regarded as irrelevant by central government and our laws legalise the worst sins.

The strange thing is that, if you watch the second part of my 70th anniversary, with the tributes, things are different in the former Soviet Union. Even non-Christians are witnesses: in Russia when you look at the video, two men who congratulate me are advisers to President Putin, and in almost all the countries we are working in, recognition is from the governments! There is something wrong in Britain!

I believe that God has used the pandemic and lockdown in different ways. Yes, churches have gone online, as we have, and reached many thousands more, and people are more open to prayer. But even if the churches are open, the building is not the Church! We are the Church which is His Body, but not alone, watching on a computer or on TV. Church is when we come together in unity, in fellowship and take communion as a ‘family’, together. Worship is the ‘Body’ in unity singing and praising God, together! But also, strangely, this pandemic has kept me in Britain, not just in lockdown, but with a realisation that for a brief time the Holy Spirit is showing me what God could do here. Not what you would call fulfilment of prophecy in ‘revival’, no, but to raise up the Church with a voice that will be heard and when God will reveal His Power. Most likely in a way which you don’t expect! I am determined that, by God’s Power, the Church in Britain will be both heard and known. Not by silent acquiescence, but by Power and with Glory! Something is stirring in me, so that today, I almost burst!

Yes, legally churches could re-open since July 4th. But many are not opening yet because of the restrictions, but how long will these restrictions last?! Never before have the churches in Britain been closed by the government. In previous pandemics like the flu in 1918, or during the bombing in the last War, we still went to church and prayed and sang and worshipped together – never alone! During my time alone in prison, my most precious memory was of the day before I left home, a Sunday, when I had spent the day in worship in a nearby church – this was to last me for almost a year – the next time was one year later in the Royal Albert Hall with almost 10,000, not angels, although they sounded like them, in real worship, together!

Some have been critical, thinking that I am attacking the government, that the Bible teaches us that we should obey those in authority over us. Tell that to the persecuted Christians who today round the world are facing the greatest wave of martyrdom for 2000 years! I know, and I was brought up on Fox’s ‘Book of Martyrs’! If we don’t act and speak now, you yourselves will suffer the same here. Trust me – that is the very reason God has used the lockdown to keep me here for a short time! I recently told my friend, Senior Pastor Dennis Greenidge, “Your ministry is prayer and when you pray, God compels me to act!”

Together with a group of Pastors from the largest Evangelical Churches, I am determined to make the government listen to us and respect us. Premier Radio asked me to write an article for their online magazine on this topic! If the government does not respond favourably to our simple request, I shall call on all of you, and I promise you then, the government will be forced to listen. Watch for my next newsletter! In 1976 I organised the largest Christian demonstration ever held in Britain with 600,000 signatures and a demonstration march through London to Hyde Park. Most of you are too young to remember, but this forced the Russian Government to act! Now they respect the God I serve!

It is time for the Government in London to honour, and respect, not us, but the God you and I serve! Our Mission is called Eurovision because, after coming out of prison in 1973, God began to give me a vision which began its fulfilment in my East/West Conferences in Germany in 1988/89/91/92 and from that sprang the Revival which was to sweep across much of the former Soviet Union. This Revival is still continuing and those of you who are supporting me in prayer and with finance are, through this, an active part of Holy Ghost Revival. People are always talking to me about prophecies of Revival in towns, regions and even nations, but I am actually experiencing Revival in my life. My challenge is that, instead of waiting for Revival to come and obviously looking for someone else to bring it, I pray, then go out in faith to set it in motion by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Revival is when the Holy Spirit acts in specific power – I have received that same Holy Spirit who led the Apostles in the Spiritual Awakening of the early Church. I believe that the Holy Spirit in me has not lost His Power, but is the same today! That is why I act in faith, and will continue, because that Power does not diminish but is fuelled by an ‘ever increasing faith’!

I need your increasing support both in prayer and giving. Then I shall report powerful, positive action in my next report to you. I will shock you when you see the next place where the Holy Spirit is going to bring the next Great Awakening – God is on the move, He is not and never has been in lockdown, nor am I! Now that I have met my international leaders, so next we must pray, then prayer must be followed by action!

Yours with ‘ever increasing faith’


Thank you for supporting this ministry through prayer and finance. We are very grateful for each gift and kind word. Many donate via Standing Order, thank you. Others give anonymously, we appreciate you. In addition to preaching the Gospel in person and online, each month we are supporting Russian Holocaust survivors and their families living in Israel, meeting their practical and spiritual needs.

‘Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 4:4-7, NKJV.)