Kazakhstan Ministry Report 2023

During August David held 12 days of ministry in Kazakhstan. David writes, “In Astana, the seat of government, they only managed to get my permit one week before our meetings started. But they doubled the seating capacity in the church, and every meeting was virtually full. There were wonderful miracle healings, including one preteen Kazakhi girl, born with crippling cerebral palsy. Her uncontrollable salivation dried up instantly, then she began to place her twisted feet flat on the floor and walk! Two other remarkable things: for the first time in 20 years, they were allowed to put a banner in the street to advertise the meetings; and after 20 years of 'provocations', deliberate disturbances created to bring in the police, we enjoyed absolute peace! From there I flew with my team to Almaty, the commercial capital. Two different churches, three days of powerful teaching and evangelism, two meetings every day. People came to the evangelism from all over Kazakhstan, by car, by train, some even flew in, so great is their hunger for God.

“Now, after 20 years of persecutions and strong prayer, in Kazakhstan they sense they are standing on the edge of, indeed even in the epicentre of, a new revival. I’m living in an experiment – because, with God, nothing is impossible! I want to push the boundaries more and more until the unbeliever can see how powerful our God really is! Science tells us the Universe is exploding outwards without limit. That’s God! God is like that! And so, aged 91, I refuse to die until God brings this great revival!”