Georgia Ministry Report 2023

2-3 December, David evangelised in Georgia, which is part of the Caucasus region.

Our key Georgian organiser, Guram, wrote:

“Bordering Turkey, Adjara is a subject of great concern for evangelicals because of its religious significance. 40% of local people are Moslem. Since the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Turkey has enhanced its religious and economic influence on the region, which generates new followers of Islam. That is why Bishop Oleg from the Pentecostal Church of Georgia invited International Evangelist David Hathaway to Adjara’s capital Batumi, to serve the local community by preaching the miraculous Name of Jesus Christ. Evangelical meetings were held on December 2 and 3 for 2000 people, plus a special Sunday service for local Christians. Meetings where broadcast live in Europe and USA where people were able to watch and pray with David. A woman wrote in the chat feed of one channel, ‘I am watching you from Italy and suddenly I was healed!’ Mr Zaza Vashakmadze (Head of the State Department for Religious Affairs of Georgia), who travelled from the capital city to speak from the platform on the first night and who stayed for the whole meeting, said, ‘The Lord Jesus testified His presence by healing people through the prayer of David Hathaway. I am excited, he did a great job, nobody has gathered so many people for Christ in Batumi ever, it means a lot for the people of Georgia and its Government, I will be reporting this to the Prime Minister!’ Three main channels spread the information through their news platforms.

“The importance of David Hathaway’s meetings was underlined by the local government and pastors because there was a significant public demonstration of Christian unity from the platform, plus Christian leaders came from five surrounding Moslem countries – Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

“Glory to God, thanks to Eurovision Mission to Europe and to you, dear David.”

David says: “All my life has been planned by God, and this is God’s Time for these regions. I promise to give the next years of my life to work with you to win the Caucasus and Central Asia – all Eurasia – for Christ.”
