How we help Russian Holocaust Survivors (2020 Review)

We are so grateful for what God has done in Israel through your support of David Hathaway’s Ministry during this very difficult season of pandemic and restriction. We thank the Lord for all His mercy and strength, but especially for His ‘Good News of the Gospel’, which we continue to share with Russian-speaking Holocaust survivors. This resulted in spiritual fruit: lives were saved, people were provided with necessary food, clothing, and provisions. All of this happened for His glory here on earth.

The aim of our work in Israel is to share the love of Jesus by building personal relationships with former prisoners of the ghettos and war survivors. – This is why we frequently visit our friends individually, pray for them, and provide much needed companionship. We read the Bible together, exploring the Truth of God’s Word.

During 2020, thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we had the opportunity to provide mobility equipment for those with disabilities. We gave away rollators, crutches, walking frames, tri-walkers and walking sticks/canes.

When the first wave of coronavirus hit Israel, we doubled our material support because the social sector in Israel was overwhelmed. For the safety of our elderly survivors, our volunteers had to stop meeting the seniors, as many were now in protective isolation, so new ways of care were found and implemented. Food hampers were left outside doors so that homebound seniors could receive help without contact. Volunteers continued to talk on the phones to the seniors, encouraging them. We also implemented a new method of support, providing food cards. This enables them to choose their own provisions, so that they receive what they need the most.

Towards the end of 2020, as some of the government restrictions were removed, we were able to do street evangelism, and strengthen the elderly with words of love and support, encouraging and inspiring them to trust in Jesus.

We have faithfully supported these elderly Russian-speaking immigrants since 2011. Working through multiple partner groups, every month our staff care for the physical and spiritual needs of the most needy, supplying them with food, hygiene, medical and accessory packs, food coupons and sharing with them the love of God; in addition, we pay the transport costs of volunteers who care for the elderly and those who need to be visited at home.
