June 2023 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Supporters in Evangelism

As I write this, we have returned from Armenia where the Day of Prayer was a phenomenal miracle. Though we have been working towards a United Day of Prayer for Armenia for some years now, the developing critical situation with Azerbaijan precipitated action; with only one month to pull all our plans together and make it happen, on Saturday 27th May, 5000 people from all over the nation – some travelling up to 5 hours to get there – gathered in the Meridian Expo Centre, Yerevan, to pray for God’s protection over their land. Ninety different church congregations participated, 155 pastors, and many thousands more joining live online. We even had the tacit support of the historic Armenian Apostolic Church, established all the way back in 301 AD. After the Catholicos (Head of the Apostolic Church) saw the service online and heard what I said, he promised 100% support for the next Day of Prayer and invited me to spend time with him in July.

Following the powerful Prayer, I preached to two packed church meetings in Yerevan, seeing many come forward to repent and many receive healing. As it was Pentecost Sunday, I also prayed for many to receive the Holy Spirit, as 2000 years ago at the first Pentecost!

What we are doing is a powerful witness no other evangelist or mission has been able to do, uniting all Christians within a nation by prayer. God who gave me the vision – and the power – to unite all Christians who will agree to accept the authority of the Bible and salvation only in the Name of Jesus. I stand outside any denomination. I have to be completely neutral, yet firm on Biblical truth. Unfortunately, there is within the churches in many countries a spirit of jealousy, of ‘sheep stealing’, and denominational barriers. This is why what God is doing in Ukraine since 2015 and now in Armenia is absolutely unique.

We are standing firm on Scriptural truth with no compromise and strongly evangelising as part of our ministry – there are no denominational barriers in the Gospel Jesus preached, especially when He healed the sick! That is why healing is an important part of my ministry. Jesus said clearly when He commissioned us to evangelise, ‘Preach the gospel, heal the sick.’ When I preach the Gospel of Jesus, I always see miracles.

My ministry vision has never changed: Europe, and the former Soviet Union where, now in my third ‘ministry life’, my attention is focused on the countries of the European/Asian fault line and Central Asia where, for 1300 years, the battle has been between Islam and Christianity! It was the enormous Armenian empire known to Daniel in the Old Testament, aided by Georgia, Bulgaria and Greece, which stood firm on Christian faith and resisted the military onslaught of Islam into Europe! When you read my next Prophetic Vision magazine in August, you will see how strategic the whole region between the Caucus mountains and the Caspian Sea is, the very cradle of Christianity – Armenia and Georgia being the first Christian nations in the world – now the site of one of the last battles before Christ returns.

As I write this newsletter, Kyiv is being targeted by the Russians with almost daily missile and drone attacks. By the time you receive this newsletter I shall have returned from Ukraine and the latest United National Day of Prayer. The Security Services would not allow us to use our normal facility in Kyiv because it has no air raid shelter – we had to plan for something else!

By a miracle, we had permission to hold the Day of Prayer in an impressive building in Bucha! This is incredible, this is the place on the outskirts of Kyiv overrun by the Russian army in their failed attempt to capture the city. Bucha, featured on all our TVs and news streams, was massively destroyed by the enemy and the scene of the worst atrocities against humanity. To be able to hold our prayer meeting here is a triumph of the power of God through prayer – and a powerful demonstration of the need of real prayer in faith!

I want to encourage you in your faith. I am recording weekly Bible studies for TV, Radio, Podcast. If you do not regularly watch my programmes – then buy my new books. All the recent ones are important Bible studies: ‘A Faith.. Beyond’; ‘Power – Your Inheritance’, Also I recommend ‘Why Siberia?’ – the story of incredible miracles which happened in our lifetimes in one 3-month period.

Thank you for your continuing support without which we could not have done – or do – all the great things that have happened and are happening! But please recommend your friends to our website, social media sites and TV channels, as in all my preaching I am teaching Biblical truths in a powerful way from experience. I want to reach many more people.



Thank you for supporting this ministry in prayer and finance. So many donate via Standing Order, thank you! Others give anonymously, God sees what is done in secret and will reward you! We thank God for every person who supports this ministry – together we will see a reward in the Kingdom! ‘I have been sent to proclaim faith to those God has chosen and to teach them to know the truth that shows them how to live godly lives. This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began. And now at just the right time He has revealed this message, which we announce to everyone. It is by the command of God our Saviour that I have been entrusted with this work for Him. May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Saviour give you grace and peace.’ (Titus 1:1-4, NLT.)