April 2022 Newsletter

Dear Ministry Partners

Thank you for your fantastic response to our appeal for help for Ukraine. Our staff and their families are safe in Kyiv and our office is undamaged! Even Sergiy, our TV Director, whose family live in Mariupol, have survived the siege and are now on their difficult way to safety.

Vadim, our Official Representative in Ukraine, is very active in organising and supplying humanitarian aid. He is working with the church leaders in Kyiv, using the team he set up to organise our National Days of Prayer for Ukraine. They are saddened and horrified as they minister to the survivors of the terrible atrocities in the small towns and villages which were occupied by the Russians north of Kyiv. The scenes are even worse than shown on TV as more and more bodies are discovered, most of them tortured with bones broken before death. Some are unrecognisable because of deliberate mutilation and burning, sometimes Vadim in our regular conversations can hardly speak. Such treatment of civilians in war is unforgiveable. Women and even children raped. Men between 18-60 tortured and shot. Houses looted of all possessions.

This is being done by Russian troops in the name of a religious ‘Holy War’ supported by the Russian Orthodox Church and its most famous convert, Vladimir Putin. The danger is of it becoming one of many previous religious wars, or rather, wars using religion as an excuse. It breaks my heart, because I have perhaps more friends in Russia even than in Ukraine, who themselves are under extreme persecution in Russia through escalating anti-religious laws directed against evangelicals under Putin.

Thank God for the message brought by Jesus of a loving God, forgiveness, healing, deliverance, and His Coming Kingdom. Remember, this was to a middle eastern world dominated by Greeks, then Romans, who used slavery and brutality as part of domestic and military life. Also, to a Jewish people controlled by their religious leaders, who were themselves condemned by Jesus as ‘whitened sepulchres’.

The Gospel message brought by Jesus was always to a minority who were exhorted by Him to spread the good news by evangelism – as Jesus said, “Preach the Gospel, heal the sick and raise the dead.” One problem I wrestle with is that for 60 years I have seen a tremendous Revival sweep the whole of the former atheistic Soviet Union, fulfilling Hudson Taylor’s prophecy that the last great revival would begin in Russia. I covered the whole of Russia with massive evangelism, and I love the Russian people. What is happening is that the demonic spirit which I battled with during those years has returned, and what that spirit is doing will destroy Russia. No wonder that Jesus said, “A night is coming when no man can work.” The attack on Ukraine is more than an unprovoked war launched by men, but a spiritual battle, and I stand by faith that God will honour the six National Days of Prayer I have held in Ukraine from 2015 in response to Putin’s annexation of Crimea and occupation of East Ukraine in 2014. We are still planning to hold the seventh National Day of Prayer this year – in Kyiv!!

Yes, over the past years I have seen real Revival touch the whole former Soviet bloc, exactly as prophesied, literally hundreds of thousands accepting Christ, tens of thousands of miracles, a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Surely one of the greatest Revivals in history considering for 70 years it had been a country dedicated to atheism, and a country which had never before seen such a manifestation of God’s Power, unlike Britain and America! But the time for Revival and preaching the Gospel is almost over, I desperately plead with God for one more chance in Ukraine, before the ‘ending of the times of the Gentiles’ as prophesied by Jesus.

God is not mocked – He has a perfect plan – He called us as witnesses. I have been His witness in the whole of the former Soviet Union, if they reject the Gospel of Christ, the Bible says their blood is on their own heads. But in God’s perfect plan, a whole new mission field has opened as you know: my staff are continuing to plan for a very big mission in Poland this year; my staff are already working in the last of the former Soviet countries – the stadium is being booked in Georgia right now as I write, in Uzbekistan they are looking for the best stadium – all this for this year! As you read this, I sense that the coming years are going to become the most powerful years of my life and ministry. Although I will have passed the milestone of my 90th year, my strength is already renewed, the fire is burning more intensely, I have the energy of my youth, but most importantly I have found a significantly new relationship with God!

We desperately need your help not only for Ukrainian relief, but also for the greatest advance in evangelism in a generation! Shortly I shall be in Rome as an invited guest of Archbishop Rys from Poland who wants me to win the support of Catholic leaders in the Vatican for a Holy Spirit move to win the whole of Poland in the Name of Jesus! And the stadiums are being booked now to take Central Asia in the Name of Jesus! Please both pray and give sacrificially – I have proved in my life that when we give, God gives back, 30, 60, 100 times! Time is very short – the Lord is coming with a shout of triumph – but first the ‘Man of Sin’ will be revealed, and a great spiritual darkness will come. For me time is short, and I must work faster, yet as I do. My life becomes longer!

Thank you for your partnership in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the countries to which He has very definitely called me.


Will you help us support Ukraine? Working with Churches, Pastors and Chaplains, living in Ukraine, our goal is to support internally displaced persons: the vulnerable; the sick; and the wounded, still living in the besieged cities of Ukraine. We are providing humanitarian aid. Supplying first aid kits. Providing spiritual aid through the distribution of Bibles and Pastoral Care. And we are also providing accommodation to displaced persons.

To make a donation telephone 01924 453693 or visit eurovision.org.uk/donation