November 2022 Newsletter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

I deeply appreciate your support and fellowship in this ministry. The whole world is in crisis. Only prayer-based evangelism can save Britain and the world. Time is short – we need real urgent prayer.

As I write I’m about to leave for ministry in Georgia where I will be from November 14th to 21st for three days’ evangelism in the National Indoor Basketball Stadium, TV interviews and ministry in a supporting church. 

The opening day, the 16th, has been declared a National Day of Tolerance by the government who, by the way, invited me! Some Christian basketball players from America have been invited to have a day of interaction with the youth on the 15th (young people in Georgia love basketball) to attract them into the evangelism the next day! I will be giving you the full report in my next newsletter. The event is attracting leaders from the surrounding Central Asian countries, Armenia, even some from South Korea.

I am asking you to pray urgently for all Central Asia, including Georgia and Armenia. The door that God is opening for me is specific both in the place and the timing. This whole area is in the news, because yes, lately both the Pope and Mr Putin have been there, but more importantly because much of this area wants to break free from the controlling influence of Putin’s Russia and the dominance of Islam. In 1986 the Lord showed me in a vision from the Holy Spirit that the WHOLE of the former Soviet countries would experience a massive revival; this has been, and still is being fulfilled in an even greater way than even I foresaw in my vision.

My vision is that what God is about to do in Central Asia will be just as much a pioneer work as in Ukraine and Russia 40 years ago! I believe that my calling as a visionary is not merely to prophesy but to act to fulfil this vision. That is why my film ‘The Rape of Europe’ is so important – it is part of the vision driving me, as was the clear vision God gave me in the 1980s that the Iron Curtain would open. BUT – from the beginning the Lord warned me that it would only be for a short time; that another curtain would fall across Europe, by economic collapse, by military might – and by spiritual force. That’s why since this time, I have, with your support, pursued such an intensive programme of evangelism in all the former Soviet countries!

The prophetic visions which God gives me are not only being fulfilled in my lifetime, but He demands that I play an active part in the fulfilment. In the 1980s God’s revelation through the Holy Spirit was for the whole of the former Soviet Union, which includes all these countries in Central Asia. I spent more than 40 years working in Russia, the next years are to be spent in Central Asia, then back into Europe and finally ending in Israel. All this leads to the Return of Christ. The Bible is clear on two things: the first is that Jesus returns to rule this world; the second is that the time for evangelism is limited.

The world will become so evil that it will be almost impossible to evangelise, and so bad that He will have to come back to save us from that wickedness! The prophesied coming days of sorrows will be shortened for the elect’s sake. We talk so easily about ‘revival’. I have read the book, ‘The History of Revivals’ – but I have personally experienced actual revival in more than one country: in Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine. The trouble is, most revivals only last for a short period. In Bulgaria the revival was extremely powerful, touched the whole country, but lasted just two years. Even the Welsh Revival lasted only one year – but it touched the whole world. Unfortunately, there are and have been many prophecies of revival in various places which have yet to be fulfilled. What I am looking for is for God to move, to demonstrate His Power and confirm the Promises in His Word. As I write, my text for today is from Matthew 7:7, Ask… seek… knock… It will be given you!

For me, Eurovision is facing a powerful new phase in ministry. Whilst in Georgia all my key staff workers (from Ukraine, Europe and Israel, Russia, Central Asia), who represent the ministry in every vital area to which God is calling me, will be with me for personal prayer and fellowship, to make us totally united in a bond of the Holy Spirit for our future work until the Lord comes.

I know that we are all going through a period of economic difficulty; Britain, all Europe, the whole world is going through financial turmoil and in many cases severe hunger. Individually this affects us all – we do not know what challenges the future will bring or how we should plan. I only know, God is our source – yours and mine.

I ask you to pray especially for Ukraine. The whole population is facing massive additional problems since the Russians have knocked out and continue to knock out much of the electric power: this affects everything, gas and water are dependent on electric power for pumps – sewage waste cannot be treated, internet is down, how do you cook your food and keep yourself warm? Women and children are being advised to leave the country. Even Kyiv may have to be evacuated in part because of the extreme temperatures in winter. Our main office with our TV studios and computers is in Kyiv. Staff often work remotely from home – by connecting to our computers in the office. Without power and internet, our TV broadcasts will cease. We are having to buy special equipment and generators to continue. But all this means that there is now also an increasing desperate need for the humanitarian aid, warm food and clothing, that we have been distributing since the start of the war in February, including help to cover broken windows, damaged roofs and even walls in vast areas of Ukraine. Please give what you can to help, it is our own staff who are doing the work!

We are determined to continue evangelising over this winter and have a busy programme for next year. We need your prayer and financial support. Even at my age I must not stop, it is important that I increase my efforts as the Day of the Lord draws nearer, as the Lord gives me strength!

I believe that we desperately need a Day of Prayer particularly for Eurovision, but also for our nation. Subject to confirmation we will hold a time of prayer on Saturday 21st January in Milton Keynes. More details to follow, but we need key intercessors to bring spiritual breakthrough.


Thank you for supporting the ministry through prayer and finance. For those who support by Standing Order, thank you; and those who give anonymously, God sees what is done in secret. We believe God will bless you, our faithful supporters, in such a way that you can continue to be a blessing to others. We are providing humanitarian and spiritual aid to the displaced in Ukraine. And David holds ministry in person and online. We pray God’s blessing upon all our ministry partners, believing that even ‘in the days of famine they shall be satisfied’ (Psalm 37:19).
