November 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Prayer Partners

I do thank God for you for your faithful support in prayer and giving, because we are not only members of One Body, but we all have different functions making us more effective in ministry.

It is the same in our office, we have been very conscious lately how dependent we are on one another, and I thank God that my daughter, after more than 25 years in banking, now works full time here, along with my granddaughter, who is part time while she is at university! We have always run this office as efficiently as we can. Most of the staff like me have been in business and understand opening and closing times and customer relations! While the UK office handles admin, fund raising and publications, such as the newsletters, the magazine and books, our work here includes ministry and prayer, such as your daily prayer requests and also the Days of Prayer we have held.

However, we are totally dependent on our overseas staff for all work on the field in the various countries. Our TV ministry is based in Kiev where we have our main Russian-speaking office and staff. Sergei heads our international TV and Media ministry and hires staff as necessary. Vadim is accepted by all the bishops and in government as my Personal Representative in Ukraine and Director of the National Days of Prayer. Poland and East Europe are co-ordinated by father and daughter, Vladimir and Abigail in Lithuania, but headed by Maxim, a businessman who has several bases, both in Europe and in Israel. Maxim, although he is from Estonia, lives part of the time in his home in Israel and organises with our Israeli staff, who are (Russian) Jews and resident in Israel. Misha my interpreter lives in Moscow and is responsible for Russia and Central Asia; he knows and is known by all the pastors who speak Russian as a first or second language!

I must not forget Brigitte who runs our German office from Weingarten (near Karlsruhe) where Eurovision really began with the East/West Conferences in 1988; our German translators and editors; Johanna in Switzerland; husband and wife John and Billie in America; and Scandinavia where our work is handled by our faithful Danish translator… These are just some of more than 50 workers and volunteers without whom we could not operate!

It is our local representatives who enable us to have such good contact with pastors, bishops and even governments, simply because they are not ‘foreign’, they are not English, but locally accepted, often at a very high level – hence also my acceptance at a very high level in every county where we work! God has honoured this ministry in a remarkable way, so that we are totally accepted up to government level in all parts of the former (Russian-speaking) Soviet Union, including, remarkably, in the Russian-speaking part of the Vatican! I do believe that all of this is because from the very beginning God gave me a clear vision (hence Eurovision) and because it was God-inspired, a clear strategy.

I know that some have spoken or prophesied that I should ‘pass the baton’. While these are well meaning, from the age of 17 when I had to work in a bank in London to pay for my Bible College training (and subsequent ordination), I used to pray so desperately, “Lord wait for me, I’m coming, don’t give my job to someone else!” I am so convinced that, for more than 70 years I have had a job and calling to fulfil which is not yet finished, I still pray, “Don’t give my job to someone else!” Like the Apostle Paul, I sense that unless I finish the job I was called to do, I would not be worthy to enter God’s Kingdom!

I have a very close relationship with the Lord and spend much time in prayer. He has just given me two clear, new mandates, which were confirmed miraculously whilst on my prayer mountain. Poland, Israel and Ukraine are unfinished works; all three are just coming to a higher level and in 2022-23 – and Central Asia is just starting!

I am very concerned about major issues, such as the slow but definite slide of some established churches into a ‘compromise with the world’. You cannot bring people into salvation by coming down to their level. The whole purpose of the Gospel is to bring men and women up, into the Kingdom of God! Jesus said, you must be born again. He also said, teach all men, make disciples, baptising them in the Name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. As the early Christians taught, “Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins.” I am considering holding another Day of Prayer in London, in person, sometime next year, possibly in Spring or early Summer, provided there are no Covid restrictions.

I am also concerned right now with the news headlines, ‘Russia may invade Ukraine’ and the crisis of refugees forced to the EU borders as a deliberate provocation by Belarussia. This needs urgent prayer. Also the situation with N Ireland and the EU needs prayer, especially pray for Sir Jeffrey Donaldson who is now leader of the DUP and likely to be First Minister in Stormont next year.

As you read this, I am now speaking at a large conference in Nigeria, followed in December by ministry in Germany. I am waiting for confirmation that we can take a stadium in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan; in June we hold the 7th National Day of Prayer in Ukraine (followed by the largest evangelism in Europe in the 80,000-seat stadium in Kiev); then Israel; and Poland which will break all records as soon as I get approval in the Vatican, which is still delayed by Covid amongst the elderly Cardinals!

God has given me a clear mandate and the authority for what He has called me to do, but all of this has to be in God’s perfect timing! The workload is increasing, the evangelism is growing larger, the attacks are becoming stronger, the need for wisdom, strength and finance are at an all-time high! Thank God, as Scripture correctly says, ‘my strength is being renewed like the eagle’! As with Moses, my eye is not dimmed nor my strength diminished, and miraculously God’s arm is not ‘shortened’! Keep praying, giving and encouraging – the end is not yet – but Jesus is coming, probably sooner than any of us expect!

Your brother evangelist and disciple of the Lord Jesus,


Thank you for supporting this ministry through your prayers and finance. We are grateful to all those who donate via Standing Order, and those who support anonymously. Because of your support the Gospel is preached each week on TV, Radio, Podcast and Online in multiple languages, & Russian Holocaust survivors and their families living in Israel receive humanitarian and spiritual support. Thank you!

Let me encourage you: Jesus hears every prayer. He is the silent listener to every conversation. He will wipe every tear from your eyes. If you have a prayer request, please email us. We read and pray over every request. Let me also recommend to you my three latest new books: they are prophetic in that they declare a clear way forward – out of the pandemic, out of crisis and chaos – which I am taking by faith!

Please consider making a special gift to support our work this month as we launch the work for 2022. You can give online, by bank transfer, cheque or by telephoning our office +44 (0)1924 453693.